The Centre for Research, Training and Publications (CRTP) in effort to conserve, protect and promote environmental sustainability, under the project of Environmental advocacy Support in Extractive Industries (EASEI) planted 5000 trees in Migori and Kwale in April –May 2024 rainy season. During the tree-planting exercise CRTP coordinated the planting of 2,500 trees in Migori whereby 1000 trees were planted by Mirema Community Forest Association (CFA) while the remaining 1500 trees were planted by Nyatike Evangelist One Accord (NEOA), Mining Community Development Programme (MICODEPRO) and Reformed Community Mining Group (RECOMIGRO) with each group give 500 seedlings each. The tree planting exercise was geared towards helping the community to reclaim land that has been left bare as a result of small scale mining in the region. A total of 45 participants drawn from four groups took part in the exercise. The tree varieties planted include Casuarina, Gravillea Robusta, Croton Megalocarpus, Aberia Caffra, Senna Siamea, Markhamia Lutea, Croton Macrostachyus, and Spatheodea Campanulata.

 In Kwale, a total of 2,500 trees were planted by the four groups. In Mwandurya self-help group a total of 1000 trees were planted to replace damaged trees that was caused by floods in December 2023. In the assessment of the trees planted during the previous phase, it was noted that almost 90 percent of the trees perished due to suffocation by floods. Due to this, the group relocated to higher ground to ensure the new trees were secured in light of the heavy rains. The rest of the 3 groups (New Boma self-help group, Umoja ni Nguvu self-help group, and Sisters to Brothers self-help group) planted 500 trees each. The tree varieties planted were Eucalyptus, Cauarina and assorted trees which included Cocoa tree, indigenously known as “Mbamba kofi.” The major challenge reported in Kwale was floods which affects tree nursery establishment as well as big trees.