Participants during one of the CJPC group discussions at Mban parish
HIPSIR has been working over a period of time with CJPC at a national level in different forms of research across the country as CJPC has a good and wide outreach. Apart from research HIPSIR has been conducting trainings and consultations with different CJPC parishes on different aspects. In 2019 the areas covered in the consultations and forums with CJPC officials were on Christian leadership and peacebuilding. The CJPC parishes who underwent the trainings were Sega, Kisumu and Mban parishes.
Some of the trainings supported by HIPSIR were done in sub parishes targeting first and foremost be the three top leaders of each sub-parish i.e. the chairperson, the secretary and treasurer.
Some of the topics discussed during the training included:
- Civic education and why it’s important to participate
- Democracy and governance and recognition of who power belongs to and management of public affairs including components of good governance.
- Christian leadership, responsibilities and some major principles including love, modesty and self-development.
- Introduction to peacebuilding including aspects of understanding conflict, types and conflict levels
An expert in peace, conflict and mediation fields
Identification of different approaches to conflict, exploring them and understanding various approaches to conflict and putting into practice the approaches learnt in addressing conflict practically.