Conflict In kenya
By The Center of Research Training and Publication

The CMT-2023 analysis placed Kenya at the confrontational level of conflict with a calculated numerical value of 2.3. Resource based related violence has been rampant in the arid and semi- arid lands in Kenya with rising cases of banditry. The conflicts that the CMT-2023 identified as highly prevalent in Kenya include cattle rustling, domestic violence, armed robbery and theft while others, like political violence and police brutality are highlighted as issues of that raises substantial concerns. The key drivers of conflict in Kenya identified by the CMT-2023 includes high levels of unemployment, political and economic marginalization, cattle rustling activities for economic gain, climate change impact, competition over natural resources, multiple armed groups and rebel groups, unaddressed historical grievances and revenge killings and failure of judicial system. Further, the CMT-2023 revealed that there are multiple actors playing diverse roles in shaping Kenya's stability. The political leaders were identified as the most responsible actors of the ongoing conflicts in Kenya while security forces, armed groups, and international actors were also seen to have significant roles to play in addressing and mitigating conflicts in the nation.
Consequently, the CMT-2023 data underscores the multifaceted nature of challenges to conflict resolution in Kenya. Factors such as lack of consensus, corruption, climate change impacts, and political dynamics present significant hurdles that need to be addressed for effective peacebuilding and conflict resolution in Kenya. In order to address the conflicts in Kenya, there was a suggestion for the IEBC should address the perennial issues of mistrust and redeem themselves to be an independent body that is able to conduct a free and fair elections.
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